Monday 2 December 2013

Hello everybody!

This is Leo reporting from Kauttua again! Did you know that the first Advent Sunday was yesterday? It means that Christmas is almost here! Me and Seppo are very excited and I think that many of the students here in Finland are waiting for Christmas too.

Last Thursday Seppo's school had quite a big Christmas-themed day. We had a bit of a head start on Christmas and I spent the whole day with 4th graders doing things related to Christmas. Seppo and I think that our favourite moment was when we visited a local artist's house. She had decorated her home to look like the perfect presentation of traditional Finnish Christmas. She did also have some Greek art and decorations in her home. She told me and Seppo that she spends most of the year in Greece and that's why she also had Greek art in her home.

Here's a couple of pictures of me and Seppo from last Thursday. In the first one, me and Seppo are relaxing in a basket of presents in front of a Christmas tree and in the second, you can see what the artist's living room looked like.

This is Leo signing off with hopes of a real blizzard to come, so that I really could get to play in the snow!

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