Wednesday 18 February 2015

12th February - Eat, Love, Dance

It was a very busy day. I had a tight schedule. The students from class 3C and 4C invited me for the sweet feast because today is the last Thursday before the Lent, known in Poland as “Fat Thursday”.  It is devoted to eating doughnuts (pączki in Polish) and Angel wings - deep fried pastry ribbons (faworki). 

Doughnuts can be filled with raspberry or strawberry jam, white cheese, cream, custard or chocolate. I ate one and I found it very delicious. From now on it will be my favourite dessert!

 After sweet lunch I went to the Public Library with students from class 4D. We took part in a very interesting lesson about the origins of Valentine’s Day. We read the fragments of stories telling about love, friendship and different positive feelings and tried to find the answer for the question how to recognize that people are in love. 

In the late afternoon, another invitation came for the Carnival ball from the younger students. It took place in the common room. I was welcomed by beautiful princesses and brave cowboys. There were all the fictional characters known from the fairy tales that I love to read. 

I felt like a star because everyone wanted to take a photo with me!

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