Thursday 3 July 2014

Reunion with m European friends

In the morning we started our trip by bus to South Estonia to visit our partner schools in Mooste and Misso. On the way to the South we visited a new museum, the ICE AGE Centre: . After 300 km we stopped in front of an old Manor house – which is the school! A well-dressed lady waited for us! And this lady was Sirje, the headmaster of the school. I know her from Luxembourg! And finally I met almost all my European friends. Only Frederik from Denmark and Gigiotto from Italy couldn’t come. But Kätti, Leonek, Reme, Tinka and Seppo were here – and of course Otto from Mooste. We spent a wonderful afternoon together. And tomorrow we will meet    Heiku in Misso. But that’s another story.

In the bus with Mehli
The lake in front of the Ice Age Center
Our partner school in Mooste
Sirje, waiting for us

All together
A violin concert only for us!

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