Monday 16 June 2014

Sports Festival

Today was the summer athletics sports festival. Shortly after 8 o’clock we went to the sports grounds (about 2 km away from the school): Race, throw, jump were the program for the more than 180 children. Supported by numerous parents, it went from discipline to discipline. We had wonderful weather: sun, a few clouds, not too hot, not too cold. Just right for such a sports festival. In between there was a lot of time to rest, eating, reading, playing games and telling stories. The closure was the 800m run .... Whether I would have also managed? Mehli definitely  Then it was about 12 o’clock and we went back to school.

The Sports Grounds in Mehlingen 

Pascal takes a break :-)

My friend Paul

 Pascal: Break's over :-)

Hip hip hooray!!
800m run: start
After 800 meters......

Next group starts.....

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