Thursday 26 June 2014

Kaiserslautern reads – and me, too

Today Mehli and me went with the kids of class 1a and 2c to Kaiserslautern by bus. Actually there is a reading project ongoing, called “Lautern reads”. Today was the day of the schools and took place in front of the Stiftskirche in the city (See: – only in German). This year the slogan is “Wörter. Wissen. Welten” = “Words. Knowledge. Worlds” and means non-fiction books. Perhaps the German title reminds you of “www = world wide web”. The organizers intended this.
Therefore the class 2c decided to take many books from the school library with them and the kids of class 1a took their tablets with a lot of non-fiction apps.
The task for the students was to read aloud people passing the Stiftskirche about cars, horses, farms, fairy tales etc.

Do you know who we met there, too? See the photo below: We met Baro with some students from the Fischerrück School! Funny!

And we had very nice weather, so the time passed so fast and we had to go back to the school.   

Hi Baro, nice to meet you!

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