Friday, 24 July 2015

Summer holidays

Today is the last day of school before the summer holidays. For the children of the 4th grade it is the day to say farewell to their school. After the summer holidays, they will go to other schools. They are adopted by an ecumenical service in the Protestant church by their teachers and the headmaster and get their certificates.
The other kids at school have today also no normal classes, because all are looking forward to six weeks vacation!

And what will Mehli and I do? It's obvious: Also holidays! Bye, bye!

In the morning: Farewell our fourth graders! All other children form a guard of honor to say goodbye to them.

Ecumenical service in the Protestant church. Their final service prepared and carried out the children themselves.

Handing over the diplomas

Done! Finally summer holidays!

 After a great year we have to say goodbye to Lisa and Tobias, who passed at our school their Voluntary Social Year. Happy you two and thank you so much!

Bye, bye!!

Saturday, 18 July 2015

School festival

Today is the big school festival at school. It is celebrated on the sports grounds with lots of games for the kids. For months, parents have organized everything: the games and of course food and drink! Everything is perfect. Even the weather is very good. After the intense heat of recent days it has become pleasant. From time to time a few raindrops, but that does not matter. Mehli and me enjoyed this day very much. But look for yourself:

It has also been organized a UNICEF run. The children look for sponsors before who donate some money per round spilled. But the sponsors had not reckoned with the ambition of the children: Many children ran 20 laps and more! A boy ran 40 laps! These are 16km !! Bravo!
Overall, the children collected more than 6,800 € for the good thing.
(The amount on the picture is not correct, some Euros arrived after the photo was taken)

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Kätti from Luxembourg in Kaiserslautern and Mehlingen

Today, Kätti and some kids from Dudelange are visiting Kaiserslautern and Mehlingen. Of course thy came with two teachers: Ninette and Tania :-)

Mehli and me waiting for the bus .......

And waiting, and waiting, but then.....

...they are coming!!!
What are they doing? Kätti, Mehli and me again waiting......

Thomas, the German teacher prepared a treasure hunt with QR-Codes for the iPads. But not the one we made in Slovenia (you remember?), but one you need wifi connection.

Thomas explains how it works

The kids from 2nd and 5th grade working together to find the ansers.

Learning by doing :-)

And now let's go for the treasure hunt throughout the school.

All answers found? Of course!!
But now it's time to say "Good bye!" We had a great time together!

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Goodbye Miklavz

Now you know how to scan a QR code :-)

Another QR code treasure hunt with 7th graders

Another QR code treasure hunt with 7th graders 

Yesterday Spela wanted to make a QR code rally also with their 7th grade students. Here are some images:

A treasure hunt with QR codes

A treasure hunt with QR codes

The German teachers prepared together with Ines a treasure hunt for the students of the three 8 grade classes. As it was a German lesson they had to answer  the questions in German....

If you want to know more about the treasure hunt, please scan the QR code :-)


Working in the computer lab with students: